• Ольга Валентиновна Кузнецова
  • Сергей Валентинович Попов
  • Сергей Вячеславович Добровенко
  • Александра Николаевна Павлова
Ключевые слова: внутренний целевой технологический аудит, устойчивое развитие организации.


В статье рассмотрены результаты внутренних технологических аудитов, проведенных в АО «НИПТБ «Онега» в 2023 г. с целью определения текущего положения организации во внешней и внутренней среде и выстраивания стратегии устойчивого развития организации на период до 2027 г. 


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GOST RV 0015-002-2020 System of working out and statement on manufacture of military technics. Quality management systems. Requirements: the national standard of the Russian Federation: Moscow: 2020.73 p. YNMI.0615.00.019 Strategy of development JSC «NIPTB «Onega». SWOT-the analysis. The report. An analytical note. A part 1. Severodvinsk: JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2018. 48 p. YNMI.0615.00.019.2 Strategy of development of JSC «NIPTB «Onega». SWOT-the analysis. The report. An analytical note. A part 3. Severodvinsk: JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2023. 104 p. YNMI.0621.00.033 Strategic targets of JSC «NIPTB «Onega» for the period with 2023 on 2027 years. Severodvinsk: JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2023-33 p. YNMI.0615.00.035 The Report on carrying out of internal target technological audit of the competence «Designing of systems TOS of under construction, repaired, reequipped and utilised courts». Severodvinsk: JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2024. 70 p. OST5R.0718-2003 The shipbuilding Standard. Technical maintenance of under construction, repaired and reequipped courts. The general requirements ». / It is developed by Federal State enterprise «SSTS», 2003. 67 p. YNMI.0620.00.092 Department of design and design workings out – the Center of complex researches and working off of new technological, constructive decisions and introduction of new materials at formation of internal arrangement of ship premises of sea technics of different function. Position. Severodvinsk: joint-stock company JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2017.20 p. YNMI.0620.00.115 Sector of designing of engineering systems. Position. Severodvinsk: JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2012. 20 p. 10. YNMI.0608.00.040 Quality management System. Process of working out and management of the design documentation in maintenance of construction, repair and recycling of the ships, courts and watercraft. The instruction. Severodvinsk: JSC «NIPTB «Onega», 2009 – 32 p. 11. KochetkovaT.S. The evolution of the process approach and the development of its methodology at the level of management of the regional economic system. Modern high technology. Regional application. 2022. N 2 (70). P. 29–38. DOI: 10.6060/snt.20227002.0004. 12. GonovaO.V. Program-target planning of development prospects for an agricultural enterprise. Modern high technology. Regional application N 1 (37). Р. 23–29. 13. Gonova O.V., Malygin A.A., Lukina V.A Social entrepreneurship as a tool for sustainable rural development. Russian Economic Bulletin. 2022. Т. 5. N 3. P. 126-131. 14. Gonova O.V., Malygin A.A., Lukina V.A Complex analysis of human resources potential and assessment of social development of rural territories of the Ivanovo region. Modern high technology. Regional application. 2018. N 1(53). P. 25-30. 15. Xenophon, O.L, Valinoura A.A. Transport task adaptation for bank liquidity management. News from higher education institutions. Series: The Economy, Finance and production management. 2022. № 2(52). P. 99-105. 16. Xenophon O.L., Mirolyubov A.A., Fokin C.A. Use of data mining methods in banking. Modern high technology. Regional application. 2023. N 4 (76). P. 76-83. Поступила в редакцию (Received): 01.05.2024 Принята к опубликованию (Accepted): 01.11.2024

Как цитировать
Кузнецова, О., Попов, С., Добровенко, С., & Павлова, А. (2024). ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ВНУТРЕННИХ АУДИТОВ В МОНИТОРИНГЕ РАЗВИТИЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ. Современные наукоёмкие технологии. Региональное приложение, 80(4), 24-29. извлечено от https://snt-isuct.ru/article/view/6248
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