• Берендеева Алла Борисовна
  • Рычихина Наталья Сергеевна
Ключевые слова: демографические вызовы, численность населения, депопуляция, суженное воспроизводство, структура населения, Владимирская область, Ивановская область, Костромская область, Ярославская область


Рассмотрены тенденции воспроизводства населения в России с выделением негативных явлений, процессов, тенденций как демографических вызовов. Проанализирована динамика численности населения, структуры населения по полу, возрасту, соотношение городского и сельского населения, показатели рождаемости и смертности населения – на примере четырех регионов Центрального федерального округа: Владимирской, Ивановской, Костромской и Ярославской областей. Рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на динамику основных демографических показателей.


1. Berendeeva A.B. Demographic challenges and the degree of adequacy of demographic policy in the of the regions of the Upper Volga region ). Bulletin Ivan. gos. un-ta. Ser. Economics. 2019. N 1/2. P. 11–20.
2. Nikolaeva E.E. Differentiation of Russian regions as a territorial deformation in the country's socio-economic system. Theoretical economy: electric scientific. magazine. 2021. N 12 (84). P. 91-96.
3. Batrakova L.G. Socio-economic inequality of the regions of Russia. Theoretical economics: electro. scientific. magazine. 2021. N 10 (82). P. 125-128.
4. Gayazov A.S., Akhmetova G.F., Utyasheva I.B., Shamsutdinova N.K. Social and territorial features of the natural and migration movement of the population in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Sociological research. 2020. N 12. P. 75-86.
5. Berendeeva AB, Zosimova L.A. Fundamentals of demography: a textbook. Ivanovo: Ivan. branch of ChOE HE "Institute of Management," OJSC "Informatics," 2018, 319 p.
6. Rychikhina N.S., Vasilyeva E.N. Support for women as an important direction of refraction of the negative trend in the development of the demographic situation. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University (NPI). Series: Socio-Economic Sciences. 2022. T. 15. N 1. P. 180-192.
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12. Kobleva Z.Kh. The phenomenon of conscious childlessness in the context of the transformation of family-marriage relations. Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. 2022. Volume 18. N 1. P. 72-78.
13. Kulkova I.A. The impact of raising the retirement age on women's reproductive intentions. Sociological research. 2021. N 5. P. 94–101
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16. Dobrokhleb V.G., Barsukov V.N. Aging of the population in Russia and China: peculiarities and socio-economic risks. Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. 2020. Volume 16. N 4. P. 36-48.
17. Berendeeva A.B., Korobova O.O., Rychikhina N.S. The role of economic factors in the reproduction of the regional structure of the population by sex (on the example of the regions of the Upper Volga region ). Modern science-intensive technologies. Regional application. 2019. N 3. P. 9-18.

18. Sizova O.V., Berendeeva A.B. Demography of Russian regions: modeling methods in the analysis of demographic processes: scientific. ed. Ivanovo: Ivan. state chemical-technol. un-t, 2021. 116 p
19. Sizova O.V., Berendeeva AB, Rychikhina N.S. Use of the modeling method in the analysis of mortality factors of the working-age population in the regions of Russia. Modern science-intensive technologies. Regional application. 2020. N 2 (62). P. 62-73.
20. Rychikhina N.S. Modern trends of female international labor migration. Woman in Russian society. 2020. N 1. P. 45-54.
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22. Rychikhina N.S.. Innovative approach to assessment of the impact of restructuring on "life cycle" of a social and economic system//the Scientific bulletin of the RANEPA Volgograd branch. Series: Economy. 2015.№2. Page 68-71
23. Chumakov, M.V, Yelizarova, A.A., Berendeeva, A.B. The analysis of efficiency and risks in implementation of state programs, projects, strategy in regions of Russia//Modern high technologies. The regional supplement, – 2021. – No. 2 (66), P.65-75
24. Korobova O.O.. Socio-economic factors of development of women's business. //Modern high technologies.
The regional supplement, – 2020. – No. 2 (62), P. 30-39.
Как цитировать
Борисовна, Б., & Сергеевна, Р. (2022). СТЕПЕНЬ ОСТРОТЫ ДЕМОГРАФИЧЕСКИХ ВЫЗОВОВ В РЕГИОНАХ ЦЕНТРА РОССИИ. Современные наукоёмкие технологии. Региональное приложение, 70(2), 12-21. извлечено от https://snt-isuct.ru/article/view/4557
Экономические науки