В работе рассмотрены проблемы безопасности жизнедеятельности населения в моногоро-
дах России и развитых стран, причины возникновения проблем моногородов. Проведен анализ типов
моногородов, в рамках которого выявлены города регионов Центральной России со стабильной ситу-
ацией, моногорода с наиболее сложным социально-экономическим положением и города, с повышен-
ным уровнем риска. Приведены негативные примеры запустения монопрофильных населен-
ных пунктов в России, Германии, Великобритании, США. Перечислены прямые и потенциальные
риски моногородов. Актуализируется значимость создания в моногородах «территорий опережающе-
го социально-экономического развития».
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Zhenova V.V., Yarovaya N.S. Foreign and domestic experience of management of development by
monotowns// Scientific notes of Institute of management, business and right. Series: Economy. 2017. No. 5. Page
Kryukova E.M. Problems of transformation of economies of monoterritories in combination with diversification
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Series: Humanities. 2015. No. 6 (146). Page 133-138.
Kutergina G. V., Lapin A.V. Management of development of monotowns: domestic and foreign approaches
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Medvedev L.N., Medvedev A.V. Use successful international the practician in the strategy of development
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Pushina L.Yu., Sakulina S.V. Formation of a safety culture of activity: problems and tasks// Fire and
emergency safety the collection of materials XI of the International scientific and practical conference devoted to
Year of fire protection. 2016. Page 694-696.
Pyankova S. G. Development of the monoprofile cities: Russian and foreign experience// Eurasian Scientific
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Stolyarova A.N., Rusakovich M.V., Kolgushkin A.I. Research of conditions of comfort and safety of
residence of the population in city// Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Bulletin. 2017. T. 17. No. 1. Page 95-98.
Toshchenko Zh.T. Prekariat – a new social class//Sotsiol. исслед. (SOTsIS). 2015. No. 6. Page 3-13.
Urozhayeva T. P. Monotowns in the 1980-1990th years: foreign, Russian and regional experience of the
solution of social and economic problems// Scientific notes Petrozavod. state. un-that. 2016. No. 3 (156). Page 35-
Shastitko A.E., Fatikhova A.F. Monotowns: a new view on an old problem// the Baltic region.
No. 1 (23). Page 7-35.
The Baikal pulp and paper mill – all news. URL:
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Website of the monotown of the Russian Federation URL: https://monotown. Russian Federation/about
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Website of the Government of the Russian Federation of URL: http://government.ru/news/(date of the
address: 03.02.2019)
Website OF REGNUM URL NEWS AGENCY: https://regnum.ru/news/1886332.html (date of the address:
Main socio-economic indexes of the cities. URL:
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Urozhayeva T. P. Monotowns in the 1980-1990th years: foreign, Russian and regional experience of the
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Regions of Russia. Population of the Russian Federation on the municipal units
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