• Ирина Валерьевна Курникова
  • Валентин Эдуардович Савин
  • Елизавета Валентиновна Курникова
Ключевые слова: малый город, экономика, демография, маркетинг, система.


В статье рассматриваются проблемы развития малых городов Ивановской области. На основе анализа статистики населения малых городов авторы делают вывод, что проблемы возрождения экономики тесно связаны с улучшением демографической ситуации. Авторы статьи считают, что основными факторами, обеспечивающими эффективное  экономическое развитие малого города, являются  системность и маркетинг.  


Small Cities: A Big Future: New Approaches to Small Town and Rural Development. XLV Guburnator readings. Moscow-Tyumen: Izdvo "Politics", 2023. 190 с. Dmitrieva L.В. Diagnostics of drivers of development of small cities.Small cities in the socio-economic system of Russia: problems and prospects for development. ed. Under the General. RED. E.E. Nikolaeva. Ivano: Ivano. Mr. Unh-t. 2024. P. 325-350. Rychikhina N.C. The role of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in the development of small cities. Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. 2011. N 6. C. 9-14 Ivanov V.V., Korobova A.N. The Box A. Н. Municipal management: reference manual. M.: INFRA - 2012. P. 268-285. Kournikova I.V., Savin V.E., Balabanova N.V. Development of small cities: innovative support measures. Modern high technology. Regional application. 2023. N 4 (76). P. 30-35. Kournikova I.V., Savin V.E Hierarchy of the needs of the population of a small city and its consideration in the strategic development of small cities. Small Cities in the SocioEconomic System of Russia: Problems and Prospects of Development. ed. Under the General. RED. E. E. Nikolaeva Ivanovo: Ivan. Mr. Unh-t, 2024. P. 314-324. Rychikhina N.C. The use of cluster approach in the development of a strategy for tourism development in medium and small cities. Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. 2013. N 33. P. 54-59. Population of cities and settlements of the Ivanovo region. Results of the All-Russian Population Census 2010. В 2-х т. Ivanovo, 2012. P. 86. Gonova O.V. Social entrepreneurship as a tool for sustainable development of rural areas. O.V. Gonova, A.A. Malygin, V.A. Lukina Russian Economic Bulletin. 2022. Т. 5. N 3. P. 126-131. 10. Gonova O.V. The Little A. And., Lukina And. Comprehensive analysis of personnel potential and assessment of social development of rural areas of the Ivanovo region. Modern high technology. Regional application. 2018. N 1(53). P. 25-30. 11. Gonova O.V., Rumyantseva V.E. Diagnosis of production structural changes in the textile region (based on materials of the Ivanovo region). News from higher education institutions. Textile technology. 2019. N 5(383). P. 13-20. 12. Gonova O.V., Malygin A.A., Lukina V.A. Factors of sustainable development of a small town in the field of processing and storage of agricultural products. Small towns of a large country: A collection of scientific articles and materials, 2024. P. 10-17. 13. Rychikhina N.S., Berendeeva A.B. Economic and institutional measures to support families in the region (on the example of the Ivanovo region). Modern high technology. Regional application. 2023. N 3(75). P. 33-46.

Как цитировать
Курникова, И., Савин, В., & Курникова, Е. (2024). РОЛЬ СИСТЕМНОГО И МАРКЕТИНГОВОГО ПОДХОДОВ В СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОМ РАЗВИТИИ МАЛЫХ ГОРОДОВ. Современные наукоёмкие технологии. Региональное приложение, 80(4), 30-37. извлечено от https://snt-isuct.ru/article/view/6249
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