• Сергей Валентинович Натареев
  • Дмирий Евгеньевич Захаров
  • Михаил Юрьевич Снигирев
Keywords: natural sorbent, wood sawdust, chitosan, physico-chemical research methods


The article presents the results of a study of the structure of cationite from modified sawdust and chitosan. The molar ratio of sawdust and chitosan is 1: 0.4. The specific surface area was measured by low–temperature nitrogen adsorption (desorption) at the Sorbi-MS sorption plant (Russia). Images of the sorbent surface were obtained using the analytical scanning electron microscope Tescan VEGA 3 SBH (Czech Republic). The chemical structure of the sorbent and the identification of functional groups involved in ion exchange were studied using the Avatar 360 FT–IR ESP infrared Fourier spectrometer (Japan). The sorbent has a macroporous structure and contains carboxyl, phenolic hydroxyl groups and amino groups capable of ion exchange with heavy metal ions from solutions. Recommendations on the use of sorbent in water supply systems are given.


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How to Cite
Натареев, С., Захаров, Д., & Снигирев, М. (2022). INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF CATIONITE BASED ON SAWDUST AND CHI-TOSAN. Modern High Technologies. Regional Application, 71(3), 67-71. Retrieved from
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