• Николай Александрович Лапшин
  • Татьяна Артемовна Николаева
  • Сергей Валентинович Натареев
Keywords: ion exchange, ions of heavy metals, transient process, acceleration curve


The article presents data on the experimental study of transient processes of ion-exchange sorption of copper ions on the sulfonic acid cation exchanger Lewatit S-100 (Na-form) in a continuous capacitor with a stirrer. The description of the laboratory facility, the principle of its operation and the main design and technological characteristics are given. In the course of experimental studies, the regularities of ion exchange were revealed during the transient operating mode of the apparatus with a stepwise change in the concentration of the solution supplied for cleaning. Acceleration curves were taken and, on their basis, the acceleration time, time constant, object gain and other parameters characterizing the dynamic ion-exchange process were determined. The data obtained are necessary for the development of an experimental-analytical mathematical model describing the real ion-exchange process.


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How to Cite
Лапшин, Н., Николаева, Т., & Натареев, С. (2021). TRANSITIONAL OPERATING MODE OF THE ION EXCHANGE CAPACITIVE DEVICE OF CONTINUOUS ACTION. Modern High Technologies. Regional Application, 66(2), 76-83. Retrieved from
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