• Михаил Вячеславович Чумаков
  • Анна Александровна Елизарова
  • Алла Борисовна Берендеева
Ключевые слова: чрезвычайные ситуации, предупреждение и ликвидация чрезвычайных ситу- аций, безопасность населения, проектное управление, программно-целевой подход, целевая програм- ма, государственная программа, муниципальная программа, финансирование государственных про- грамм


На примере шести областей Центрального федерального округа (Владимирской, Ивановской,

Костромской, Московской, Нижегородской и Ярославской) авторы анализируют факторы, влияющие

на риски возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций; государственные программы в сфере предупре-

ждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций. Делается сравнительный анализ финансирования

государственных программ по регионам.


Berendeeva A. B., Elizarova A. A., Berendeeva O. S. the Role of state programs in the implementation of human resources

policy in the provision of social services in the region / / Vestnik Vladimir. state University. Series: Economic Sciences:

elektr. science. journal. 2017. # 4. Pp. 14-37.

Zakinchak A. I., Bratushev A. A., Dvinskikh A. A. Adaptation of project management elements in the activities of

emergency services / / Fire and emergency safety. 2017. No. 3 (6). Pp. 106-117.

Zakinchak A. I., Chumakov M. V., Naydenova S. V. Elements of project management in the activities of Executive authorities

(protection of the population from emergencies) / / Modern science-intensive technologies. Regional supplement. 2018.

No. 1 (53). Pp. 41-49.

Zakinchak A. I., Chumakov M. V., Naydenova S. V. Implementation of project management elements in the activities

of regional Executive bodies: prevention and elimination of emergency situations / / Modern science-intensive technologies.

Regional supplement. 2018. No. 2 (54). Pp. 41-47.

Ledyakina I. I., Berendeeva A. B., Tsvetkov M. Yu. Research of safety in the social sphere of the Ivanovo region / /

Fire and emergency safety. 2018. No. 3 (10). Pp. 93-107.

Lukhovskaya O. K., Perov V. I., Savkina R. V. Complex target programs in solving problems of innovative development

of the economy / / Modern science-intensive technologies. 2018. No. 3 (55). Pp. 76-85.

Nikolaeva E. E., Berendeeva A. B., Smirnova I. N. Problems, risks and prospects in the development of cities of different

types / / Vestnik Tver. state University. 2019. # 2. Pp. 113-125.

Tikhanovskaya L. B., Bratushev A. A. Analysis of tools and methods for organizing functional interaction of municipal

authorities in emergency situations / / Fire and emergency safety. 2018. No. 2 (9). Pp. 104-113.

On the state of protection of the population and territories of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies

in 2018: state report / Moscow: EMERCOM of Russia. Fsbi vniii GOCHS( FS), 2019, 344 p. URL : https://mostrelna.

ru/upload_files/articles/2019/06/GosDoclad_po_2018_godu_Print.pdf (accessed: 23.11.2019)

Official website of the EMERCOM of Russia. State and Federal targeted (departmental) programs. URL:

https://www.mchs.gov.ru/dokumenty/gosudarstvennye-i-federalnye-celevye-vedomstvennye-programmy (date accessed:


Official website of the EMERCOM of Russia. Results of the EMERCOM of Russia for 2018 URL :

https://www.mchs.gov.ru/deyatelnost/itogi-deyatelnosti-mchs-rossii/2018-god (accessed: 23.11.2019)

Official website Of the Department of economic development and trade of the Ivanovo region. Summary annual report

on the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of state programs in the Ivanovo region for 2018. URL :

http://derit.ivanovoobl.ru/deyatelnost/gosudarstvennye-programmy/realizatsiya-gosudarstvennykh-programm/ (accessed:


Official website of Izvestia. Sobriety rating of regions URL : https://iz.ru/news/596460 (accessed: 02.12.2019)

About the approval of the state program of the Vladimir region "Ensuring security of the population and territories in

the Vladimir region": the Resolution of The administration of the Vladimir region of January 20, 2016 N 17 (with changes) on

April 2, 2019). URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/432870375 (date accessed: 29.11.2019)

About the approval of the state program of the Ivanovo region "Ensuring safety of citizens and prevention of offenses

in the Ivanovo region": the Resolution of the Government of the Ivanovo region of November 13, 2013 N 457-p (with ed. as of

February 25, 2019). URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/460212500 (date accessed: 29.11.2019)

About the approval of the state program of the Kostroma region "Ensuring security of the population and territories for

-2020": the Resolution of the Administration of the Kostroma region of June 24, 2014 N 262-a (with ed. as of December 18,

. URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/412382025 (date accessed: 29.11.2019)

About the approval of the state program "Protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring

fire safety and safety of people on water bodies of the Nizhny Novgorod region": Resolution of the government of the Nizhny

Novgorod region of April 30, 2014 No. 304 (with amendments as of April 17, 2019). URL:

http://docs.cntd.ru/document/465510877 (date accessed: 29.11.2019)

About the approval of the state program of the Yaroslavl region "Protection of the population and territory of the Yaroslavl

region from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water objects" for 2019-2021 Resolution Of

the government of the Yaroslavl region of March 11, 2019 N 152-p . URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/553160308 (date

accessed: 29.11.2019)

Passport of the state program of the Moscow region "Security of the Moscow region". URL:

https://mosreg.ru/upload/iblock/4ca/274369.pdf (date accessed: 29.11.2019)

Portal of state programs of the Russian Federation. Passport of the state program URL :

https://programs.gov.ru/Portal/programs/passport/10 (accessed: 29.11.2019)

Of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2018: Stat. sat. / Rosstat. - Moscow, 2018. - 1162 p. URL :

https://www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2018/region/reg-pok18.pdf (accessed: 02.12.2019)

Where and how people die of drunkenness in Russia. RBC has made a rating of regions with the highest mortality rate

from alcohol. URL: https://www.rbc.ru/society/08/10/2019/5d920ff29a79472fec0ff4bc (date accessed: 02.12.2019)

Как цитировать
Чумаков, М., Елизарова, А., & Берендеева, А. (2020). РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ ПРОЕКТНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В РАЗВИТИИ СИСТЕМЫ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ И ЛИКВИДАЦИИ ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙ- НЫХ СИТУАЦИЙ В РЕГИОНАХ РОССИИ. Современные наукоёмкие технологии. Региональное приложение, 61(1), 109-119. извлечено от http://snt-isuct.ru/article/view/2135
Инженерно-технически науки, машиностроение и технологии

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